I'll capture the most important moments of your life with my professional wedding photography.
Dreaming of a photo session abroad? No problem, I'll fly to you!
Wedding reels delivered in just 1 day. Capture the key moments of your wedding in a short video. You can choose just the wedding reel or a package that includes both photos and a reel. Check it out on my Instagram @bluelens_photo !
We'll start with a professional and styled photoshoot, where you'll feel like a million dollars!
Then, Karola Seifert will lead a yoga session, focusing on your well-being and fabulous figures. Yoga with wine? In nature? Relaxing? Energizing? Just say the word!
Everything tailored to your needs. We’ll come to you, even if it’s the farthest corner of the world!
I partner with the best videographers in the industry. With our package, you receive:
Professional event photography that captures the most important moments of your events. Whether you are organizing a conference, banquet, corporate event, or private celebration – I will capture the key moments through the lens.
© BLUELENS Adrianna Maksym 2024
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